
IOTA-Based IOT2TANGLE Launches Hackathon, Bosch and ST Microelectronics Onboard

Are you interested in IoT? IOTA is calling for valuable products to participate in new hackathon

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The IOT2TANGLE community of technology enthusiasts is hosting a hackathon for all developers interested in building on top of the IOTA protocol. The Integrate Everything With IOTA event is supported by the undisputed leaders of IoT adoption.

Integrate Everything With IOTA: high tech, open source, value and adoption

According to the official announcement by IOT2TANGLE, it is calling for submissions to the inaugural IoT contest. Potential participants should apply between Oct. 26 and Nov. 26. All winners will be announced on Dec.6.

IoT hackathin is announced by IOT2TANGLE community

Besides the IOTA Foundation, the hackathon is supported by STMicroelectronics, Bosch Connected Devices and Solutions, Senseering, Vass Company and other IoT industry moguls.

The contest is focused on five red-hot use cases for IoT-based systems: Smart Cities, Smart Agriculture, Supply Chain Tracking, E-Health and Environmental Control. In their solutions, the applicants should use the I2T Streams gateway, recently launched by IOT2TANGLE.

All solutions should be usable "from scratch" by the community. Step-by-step installation and launch Read-Me is a must for every submission.

No toasters in I2T Hub

The organizers repeatedly emphasized that only valuable and useful products that push the IoT segment forward are invited to participate in the hackathon. So, "just-for-fun" tools will not be accepted by the jury:

Projects that in the sole opinion of the judges, integrate trivial devices (such as your toaster) and that add no value to the IoT world will not be evaluated.

The sponsors have prepared amazing prizes for ten award-winning products. The most interesting solutions will be rewarded with 3,000 USD in IOTA tokens, state-of-the-art microcontrollers, IOTA development courses and high-end hardware crypto wallets Ledger Nano, customized by the IOTA Foundation.

It should be noted that, recently, IOT2TANGLE has launched I2T Hub, an open source repository with ready-made IoT schemes. All developers can adopt them for specific purposes and utilize IOTA's Tangle for data transfers.

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Vladislav Sopov

Blockchain Analyst & Writer with scientific background. 5+ years in IT-analytics, 2+ years in blockchain.

Worked in independent analysis as well as in start-ups (, Monoreto, Attic Lab etc.)