
The Reinvention of ICT Spring: The Phygital Edition Meets with Great Success

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As the world faces a period of uncertainty due the Covid-19 crisis, the organizers of ICT Spring were able to totally reinvent the 2020 edition of the international tech summit. The phygital event took place from the ECCL in Luxembourg, with a grand total of 11,293 unique views on

The numerous summits and side events – AI/Digital, Fintech, Space Forum, European Security Forum and Digital Supply Chain Europe – were therefore broadcasted by BCE and available worldwide. Most international guest speakers took the stage live from Luxembourg-City, with others sharing their inspiring presentations via Zoom, allowing experts to exchange and discuss the latest trends in the fields of digital, financial technologies, cybersecurity, space and supply chain. Thanks to these technologies, the organizers welcomed – in Luxembourg or virtually – renowned speakers such as Peter Sondergaard (The Sondergaard Executive Group), Jean-Jacques Dordain (, Liv Boeree (Speaker, Astrophysicist, Philanthropist & Poker Champion), Purva Khera (IMF), Alba Isabel Serrano-Garcia (Airbus), Craig Jones (Interpol), and many more.

Participants also had the opportunity to digitally walk through the alleys of ICT Spring and discover the latest innovations in an impression exhibition area and in the Startups’ Village. 64 companies showcased their solutions and innovative services. Moreover, a random networking tool allows all participants to discuss with their peers, foster emulation and build partnerships.

“The government of Luxembourg actively supported us, notably through the keynote speeches of Xavier Bettel, Franz Fayot, Pierre Gramegna and Marc Hansen. Since the creation of the event, the aim of ICT Spring has been to promote the country of Luxembourg and its numerous innovations, top talents and unique expertise”, highlighted Kamel Amroune, CEO of Farvest Group. He added: “ICT Spring will never be the same, as this new format will allow us to develop even more opportunities for our partners and all the visitors, whether they are present in Luxembourg, or at home, on the other side of the world”.


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