
ICT Spring goes Phygital

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Postponed due to the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic, ICT Spring will finally be held on September 15th and 16th, at the very heart of Luxembourg. To comply with the health restrictions and stop the spread of the virus, the event – from conferences to networking sessions – will be available via video from all around the world.

ICT Spring, with its hundreds of expert speakers and thousands of visitors, is a unique event in the tech landscape as it aims at emulating the entire sector and at favoring future collaborations. It also discusses the latest trends in the Fintech, AI and Space sectors, notably. In order to keep this one-of-a-kind spirit in a never-seen-before context, the organizers demonstrated a high dose of flexibility and adapted their format and content to this unprecedented situation.

Top-notch guest speakers and high-end experts will gather in Luxembourg, all respecting the rules advocated by governments all over the world: avoiding close contact when greeting people, washing hands often and disposing of any tissues that have just been used, when coughing or sneezing, covering mouth and nose with the arm, etc. Their inspiring speeches will therefore will be broadcasted online via BCE (Broadcasting Center Europe, is a European leader in media services, system integration and software development in the areas of television, radio, production and postproduction, telecommunication and IT) with the opportunity to switch from topic to topic, i.e. from Fintech, AI and Space to Supply Chain and Cybersecurity. A free registration is mandatory, click HERE.

As a business-enabling event, ICT Spring is known for its qualitative networking sessions. Even though participants won’t be able to attend physically, they will still be able to exchange with their peers and discuss the latest trends while developing new business relations. To provide the visitors with such a unique experience, the organizers have created a platform, available from all around the world, creating business matches with the use of an algorithm, depending on the preferred sectors, industries and expertise. A detailed programme is available HERE. Participants might even be surprised when they digitally bump into each other…

Exhibitions areas, with innovative booths and unique visitor experiences, have also been key elements of ICT Spring since its very first edition more than 10 years ago. Virtual booths will be available for the event partners, with the opportunity to engage directly with participants and present innovative products and services, one device to another, through a live chat. The digital exhibition area will be available during the two days of ICT Spring. Contact the team right now to enlist and highlight your latest innovations.

Workshops and masterclasses will also be available through the new "Digital week by ICT Spring" concept. Expert companies and dynamic service providers, along with international startups, will have the opportunity to promote their own event, linked to ICT Spring and labeled as official “side event”, allowing them to reach a wider digital audience and promote their services.

The ICT Spring team is currently working on more digital options to surprise the participants to one of Europe’s biggest tech conferences. New alliances will also allow speakers, sponsors and visitors to conclude new partnerships with worldwide players, from China to the United States, and therefore enter new markets.

More information on ICT going phygital, please check the dedicated infographic HERE.

If you wish to participate to the digital revolution of ICT Spring, do not hesitate to contact the team: [email protected].

ICT Spring

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